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Self Help Groups (SHGs)

These are the grassroots level organizations, which are designed to organize the marginalized and un organized masses and to make them capable of addressing their problems that prevent their development, as a person as well as, a member of the society. There are about 200 such SHGs across the state with an average membership of 15 per group. Suitable tools are been utilized to achieve the targets.

Organization of Small and Marginal Farmers (OSMF) for organic farming

(Organic farming, processing & marketing of Organic food ingredients).

For the uplift of the small & marginal farmers we initiated such a project, which will have a major positive impact in the efforts to protect this planet from total destruction due to environmental degradation.And our commitment in health sector has also prompted us to go ahead with such a project. Also this will protect the small farmers from the tactics of traders and middle men.

Now there is about 250Ha of land as Certified Organic, with 293 Farmers, that produces a variety of high value spices like Nutmeg, Mace, Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Clove, Vanilla etc.. The produce of such small Organic farmers are been pooled in by Jeevagram and after minimum processing it is exported to various countries.We consider this project as one of our prominent projects because of the multitude of benefits to various stake holders of the Society.

Other Projects

Income generation and employment generation projects



Drinking water and sanitation projects



Awareness and Education programs; against Female feticide, Drugs & Alcoholism, use of   Tobacco etc.



Helth sector interventions with Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga & Naturopathy.



Interventions in market, with special emphasis in medicine retailing to protect the interest of General public.

Production of Coir Yarn

This project is having a forward link with market and back ward link for training, for finance, and for the availability of raw material.

After getting successful training, each woman will become eligible for a loan (DIR @4.5 persentage) of Rs.6500/- from local commercial banks, for the construction of work shed and to pay the margin money for the motorized Ratts.

Raw material will be provided at their work shed at the least possible price by Jeevagram and the finished product will be purchased from them at the prevailing market price, and will be sold to large scale manufacturers of coir products in the state.

Swa Dharma Sanghams (SDS)

These are groups organized to undertake selected activities based on their potential and considering the availability of raw materials and market.

The Income generating projects

Various income generating projects detailed below are undertaken by women activity groups called                    Swa Dharma Sanghams(SDS)

     Mushroom cultivation  
     Poultry for egg and meet  
    Vegetable cultivation  
    Fish culture   
    Pickle and curry powders   
     Grihaiswarya home markets  
    Duck farming   
    Kada farming  
    Goat rearing   
    Rabit rearing   
    Anthurium & Orchid   
     Candle making   
    Readymade garment units  
    Production and marketing of detergent, washing powder & incenses  
Drinking water and sanitation project

This project has been implemented in association with CAPART, Govt. of India.

Under this project, the beneficiary will be getting a Ferro cement tank having a capacity of 5000Ltrs with every component for harvesting rain water  as installed,

The beneficiary will be selected on their request which will be scrutinized by a technical team under the supervision of our welfare committee, with out any prejudice to their cast creed or politics. There will be 10 persentage contribution by the beneficiary and they have to undertake regular maintenance, for which our technical team will be providing detailed training for each beneficiary.

And eventually, they will be provided Sanitation facilities in the same manner but on case to case requirement basis.

Health sector Interventions

Medical Camps  in specialized sectors like , eye care, Cancer detection (Cervical and   breast ), Pediatric Care, Urological, Heart check ups, Diabetic control. 


Neethi Medicals  to provide medicine at affordable prices


AYUSH :propagation and introduction of the salient features of Indian systems of medicine in
association with The Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of India.


The major components of this project is training and awareness camps for the general Public, extension of cultivation and production of herbal plants,training for medical Practitioners in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy.       Naturopathy was also there under the scope project

Projects as a part of our social intervention & social welfare

JEEVASRADHA a project for caring the  families with bedridden patients, on long term basis.

Movements and campaigns against Female feticide, Drugs and Alcoholism, use of    Tobacco, Aids etc   

One year long campaign has been organized against Female feticide by conducting rallies in towns and cities, classes and seminars for awareness creation and also published leaflets among the general public as well as to the 4000 families of the Women members of the SHGs.
Short films and street dramas has been utilized for awareness creation as well as to mobilize public opinion against Drugs, Alcoholism, Use of Tobacco etc.
Regular awareness programs on HIV-AIDS were conducted for the general public as well as for those who are highly vulnerable for AIDs, like drivers, regular interstate travelers etc. 

Medical Insurance for the rural Poor.  

Medical insurance was provided to all the members of Women SHGs at a subsidized premium in association with National Insurance Company and thereby helped them to manage their hospital bills with out much difficulty.


Financial Support


Most of the projects are needed to be linked with financial institutions so as to enable the beneficiaries to have access to the financial sources at the time of requirement.

In this area, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is extending their help in the form of loans and grants through commercial banks to such groups.. 


JEEVAGRAM is a Voluntary Organization (VO) established on 12th August, 1998 with its Administrative office at Manickamangalam near Kalady in Kerala State. It was registered with the District Registrar, Ernakulam, as a Charitable Society. Its operational area covers the state of Kerala,Black Pepper,Cardamom,Clove,Ginger,Maize,Nutmeg,Red chilly,Turmeric,Vanilla,White pepper.